Our Partners


Association Montessori Internationale

The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) was founded in 1929 by Maria Montessori to maintain the integrity of her life’s work and to ensure that it would be perpetuated after her death.  AMI has a unique role as custodian, maintaining the integrity of Maria Montessori's legacy.  In this role, AMI is responsible for articulating Montessori philosophy and practice in order to meet the needs of children and influence educational paradigms in a rapidly changing world.

AMI's mission is to support the natural development of human beings from birth to maturity, enabling them to become the transforming elements of society, leading to a harmonious and peaceful world.

AMI activities include:

  • Coordinating and accreditation training courses

  • Training of Teacher Trainers

  • Collaborating with manufacturers of Montessori materials

  • Overseeing publication and translation of Maria Montessori’s books 

  • Organizing congresses and study conferences

  • Coordinating a global network of affiliated Montessori organisations

  • Distributing publications including the AMI Journal, newsletter and the AMI website 

To learn more about AMI, visit www.montessori-ami.org


Educateurs sans Frontières

Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF), a division of AMI, functions as a social movement that strives to promote the rights of the child throughout the world, irrespective of race, religion, political and social beliefs.  EsF is committed to transcending borders in order to serve children through innovative educational initiatives using Montessori principles and practices.  Educateurs sans Frontières is a network of Montessori practitioners who work with communities, governments and other partners to advance human development.

The mission of EsF is to work with individuals, families, communities, organizations and governments to further the rights, education, and welfare of children worldwide.

To learn more about EsF, visit www.montessori-esf.org